
Empowering the community to protect itself.
Security Tips For Holidays
Below are some simple tips to help you ensure that you and your family enjoy a safe and secure holiday. Plan your itinerary in advance and give a copy to...
Yom Tov Security and Safety Tips
The CSO remains committed to ensuring that you and your loved ones can go into Yom Tov with the peace of mind that we will be doing everything possible to...
CSO Community Information Update
On behalf of the CSO, we would like to wish you all the best for 2024. Based on our assessment of the environment, both locally and globally, we believe that...
CSO Information Update to the Community
On Saturday the 7th of October 2023, the Hamas terror organisation, with the support of Iran, launched thousands of rockets into Israel. This was followed by a ground invasion of...
Community Information Update 2: National Shutdown Planned for the 20th March 2023
The CSO continues to closely monitor the situation and is in constant contact with the authorities and other stakeholders in and around our community. The South African Police Services, Community...
Community Information Update 1: National Shutdown Planned for the 20th March 2023
The CSO is closely monitoring reports of a national shutdown planned for the 20th of March 2023 and has plans in place for a variety of scenarios. We are liaising...
CSO Threat Update
Further to the widely reported US terror warning over this past weekend, we would like to reiterate that according to all the information available to us, the threat remains credible....
CSO Update - US Terror Attack Warning
We continue to closely monitor the reports of a possible terrorist attack that was highlighted in a recent US Embassy communication. We also continue to liaise and co-operate with the...
Kidnapping For Ransom - A Basic Guide
Be vigilant and situationally aware.     Although kidnapping for ransom is rare, it does happen from time to time. Consequently, one should not become paranoid about this but rather...

Outing Request

This form must be completed for any School Outing during the school day and submitted to the CSO office a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the event. Please complete the form as accurately as possible.

Group Information

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Time of Outing(Required)
Time of departure from school(Required)
Time of departure from venue(Required)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: excel, pdf, csv, Max. file size: 32 MB.
    Upload your list of names and cell phone numbers of all teachers

    Venue Information

    Contact person on site(Required)
    Security Manager on site
    Medical personnel on site (clinic, nurse etc)

    Medical Information

    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: excel, pdf, csv, Max. file size: 32 MB.
      Indicate the allergy as well as the treatment
      Teacher in charge of first aid kit(Required)


      Accepted file types: excel, pdf, csv, Max. file size: 32 MB.
      If so, please provide a media list with contact details
      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Completed by(Required)